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  • Trust between patient and doctor is extremely important.
  • Non treatment related reviews can still hurt your online reputation.
  • Creating positive information will reassure patients you are knowledgeable and caring.


We provide peace of mind to physicians.

When a physician or other medical professional is building their practice, they must take steps toward preserving their good name. Reputation management is one of the keys to success in the medical field, as negative reviews and a poor reputation have been shown to directly impact lifetime earning potential.

In the medical field, reputation is everything. A culture of trust between physicians and patients is ideal. Having a positive image means that medical practices will attract patients and the best possible staff members.

Healthcare Online Reputation Management

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“DiamondLinks was a lifesaver. Finance can be a messy industry, and I feel confident continuing in it by having DiamondLinks manage my online reputation.”
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CEO of Finance Company
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Dealing With Reviews


As in many other fields, online reviews contribute significantly to a doctor’s professional image. 70 percent of patients search online for health information, and 77 percent of patients use online reviews to find a new physician or medical practice. The problem is that this information may not always be accurate and fair. It can be difficult to make up for the damage caused by negative information online. We can help you lessen the effects of this negative information by taking the steps to repair a damaged reputation.

Negative information about medical practices is often related to issues like grumpy receptionists, poor parking availability, or long wait times rather than any actual fault of the doctor. These seemingly small problems which do not affect patient care can drive patients away from quality healthcare. Patients may bear grudges against physicians and practices for little to no reason. People feel free to say what they like online, where a person might hesitate to bring their problems to the physician’s direct attention.

Review sites will often take down posts that are profane or are proven to be fake, but they will not take them down if the medical practice does not agree with them. Any stain on a practice’s image can make a huge impact on its bottom line. Unlike other types of business, a doctor can’t change their name and start over after they have been negatively impacted by false information.

Healthcare ORM
Healthcare ORM

Medical practices need to be careful when dealing with patient information online. Any breach of the HIPAA laws governing patient privacy is taken seriously. For this reason, doctors can’t generally reply to review sites and clear up questions on their own, especially when the review concerns the treatment that was provided.

Along with the damage that review sites can pose, doctors need to pay close attention to their mentions on social media. Many patients will take their grievances to Twitter or Facebook rather than airing them in person. This means that negative information about your practice can circle the globe in a matter of minutes.

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Things To Watch Out For



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Unique to you

Strategies To Protect Your Reputation


At DiamondLinks, we have many proven techniques that will enhance your practice’s reputation. While it is important to be able to combat negative information, it is just as crucial to make sure that positive information is shared with the community. The best way to combat a negative review is to have a strong foundation of positive information available.

Creating positive information about your practice will create a “paper trail” online, reassuring patients that you are knowledgeable, caring, and authoritative. Articles on magazine websites, blog posts, and guest posts can help to spread the word about your practice and let patients know about your activities.

For example, sharing your expertise in plastic surgery techniques can help patients make important medical decisions. When prospective patients search for your practice online, they will be pleased to find information that presents you as an authority in your field.

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Attract Quality Staff

Good reviews not only impact the physician’s relationship with their patients, but they are also important when it comes to attracting the best staff. The labor market in healthcare is punishingly tight, with shortages of doctors, nurses, and support professionals. Medical practices need to compete amongst themselves to attract the best personnel.

Having a well-staffed office will ensure that your practice has a good reputation. The impact of one negative person or an inefficiently run practice can make a huge difference in your profitability. Making sure that your employees take patient satisfaction seriously can help your practice grow. A Gallup survey indicates that an “engaged” or committed office staff can raise revenues by just under $500,000 per doctor.

Improve Hospital Ratings

Around the world, there have been many advances in the grading of hospital systems. People are using online tools to find doctors and other medical professionals in most countries as Internet connectivity spreads. In the United States, the CAHPS Hospital Survey is the patient’s main choice for information. The insights gained from the surveys can help practice managers pinpoint areas where they can improve their services.

Combat Negative Information

While creating a positive narrative about your practice is one of our major goals, we also focus on directly combating damaging information. We have special techniques that allow us to suppress negative information and poor reviews. Using our services will give you an advantage over your local competitors when it comes to your reputation.

Why Choose Us

We Take Your Reputation Seriously.


As a doctor, you may feel that there is nothing you can do to affect your reputation. This could not be further from the truth. Being proactive about your reputation can increase your profitability and create a positive public image for your practice. Even the best doctors encounter negative publicity from time to time. Perhaps it will come from a disgruntled client or from someone who is unhappy with your office staff

Using a combination of our well-tested strategies, you will be able to show your practice in a positive light. While striving to maintain accuracy, our services can help a practice overcome negative information and keep your reputation clear and honest.

Healthcare ORM


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