Blogger Outreach and Product Reviews

Diamond Links connects your company with real bloggers. These real bloggers have an existing audience and sphere of influence. Our blogger outreach program allows these bloggers to test your product and publish a real review on their website, social media and/or review site like

As an example, one of our recent clients manufacturers multi-vitamins. We shipped vitamins to 50 different bloggers. Those bloggers wrote posts, took pictures, used #hashtags and featured links back to the company website. This provides value to the company in three distinct ways.

Positive Branding

Branding is crucial to the reputation of a product or company. Each of the bloggers will mention your brand and/or product. Through positive company mentions, the company will begin to stand out in the mind of consumers as well as the algorithm of search engines.

Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt said, “Brands are the solution, not the problem… Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.”

To increase your brand awareness in a positive way, we will contact bloggers and give them information that will allow them to craft an article about your product or service. While they do this they will also be mentioning your brand, further helping you stand out from the “cesspool”.

Increase Reach

Your potential customers are on the internet. We will identify where on the internet and engage them where they already are interacting. We can help identify your target demographic and increase the amount of buyers potentially touched by your brand.

To increase your reach we will contact bloggers that are in your demographic and give them information about your product or service. This information will guide them toward an end goal, promoting your product or service to their readers and followers.

Link Building and Reputation Management

Link building is the process that helps increase your ranking in the search engines. Google has strict guidelines about paid links and link schemes. Unethical link building can damage your website and brand. We only look for links that have real value and are not manipulated. When bloggers choose to link to your product or service, it is their choice. These links are on real sites that provide lasting value. We give the bloggers one or more targets they can link to. This helps promote those pages and increase their rankings in the search engines, further promoting the reputation of the company when searched online.

Most marketing efforts attempt to give you just one of these tasks through different avenues. Implementing all three increases cost and lowers the overall effectiveness of your marketing campaign. Our multi-faceted approach to increase branding, reach and link building is what makes us different, and our campaigns successful.

Set your sights higher.

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